- A Sound Investment: Free Estimate, No Obligation -

A Sound Investment: Free Estimate, No Obligation Digital Projection, Gertrude Street Projection Festival 2022

In A Sound Investment: Free Estimate, No Obligation an artist gives a lecture-performance, reading ideas of value into Old Master prints which devolve into a diatribe (could also be referred to as a mid-life or existential crisis – take your pick) exploring the fury, desperation and desire that different facets of social valuation elicit in them. The following ideas are explored in this bargain package: Prints and digital technologies were heralded as more democratic and accessible art forms but are they all LIES and SCANDAL!?! Prints come in multiples and this projection so do videos of the artist. They both exist in a kind of simulacra of sociality (and other meaningless analogies)!?! How much more tacit and complete is the meaninglessness that monetary valuation can bring to creative endeavours?! A world where wealthy patrons value-adding to their legacy via pet artists doesn't seem good but also having a patron seems like a dream come true, especially if it comes with housing! Isn't it amazing how much of the way we live our lives is implicitly imprinted from Western historical ideas of beauty and logic? Also, Marx once wrote that the nightmare of the past hangs on the brains of the living! Durer's Melancholia can be a negation of order which is nice but does it pay the bills!?! In a world where we tend to accept orders over social complications, we need to contend with the gaps between the narratives that make an individual and the feelings of being one, even if the feelings don’t feel good! Click to subscribe to the often-not-good feelings!
